00:09:21 Imani Calabash Network: Hey J. Kymberli! 00:10:27 Maura McCasted: I'm a small beginning farmer, looking to start an org with some other farmers that focuses on true beginning farmers and their day-to-day operational needs 00:10:38 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "I'm a small beginnin…" with 🌻 00:11:12 Eshe Armah: Hi J. Kymberli! 00:11:18 Eshe Armah: Reacted to "I'm a small beginnin..." with ❤️ 00:11:24 Lesley Donnelly: I’m Lesley Donnelly in Georgia I have work around good in the school district for 13 years in California also interested in always helping everyone in my area and around me 00:11:26 Gigi: Gigi from MD/DC/DE! Deeply care about this work and am supporting the training with somatic grounding as folks move through Calabash 101 00:12:31 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "I'm a small beginnin…" with ❤️ 00:12:44 Aita | Calabash Network: Replying to "I'm a small beginnin…" Yay! You made it 🙂 00:12:46 Endora Guillaume: Peace everyone! I’m Endora, a Teach 22 Programming Assistant with OurSpace and am eager to learn how to support Black farmers gain land and food sovereignty 00:12:54 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "I’m Lesley Donnelly …" with ❤️ 00:12:56 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "Gigi from MD/DC/DE! …" with 🌻 00:12:58 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "Gigi from MD/DC/DE! …" with ❤️ 00:12:58 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "Peace everyone! I’m …" with 🌻 00:13:07 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "Peace everyone! I’m …" with ❤️ 00:13:21 jophyel Khuelenne: I’m Joe, I worked around Atlanta at local farmers and with local school to help in the past. 00:13:38 Eshe Armah: Peace y'all. I am part of OSW! Been working with youth in the outdoors on forest and farmland and with farmers in the south. Happy to keep the momentum, education, and cooperative economics going! 00:14:03 Aita | Calabash Network: I’m Aita and I’ll be one of the instructors of this program, excited to share the little I’ve learned with all of you 🙂 00:14:12 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "Peace y'all. I am pa…" with ❤️ 00:14:15 Eshe Armah: Reacted to "I’m Joe, I worked ar..." with 🎉 00:14:25 Eshe Armah: Reacted to "I’m Aita and I’ll be..." with ❤️ 00:14:29 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "Peace y'all. I am pa…" with 🌻 00:14:32 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "I’m Aita and I’ll be…" with 🌻 00:14:46 Sessina Dani: I’m a part of OSW staff, and excited to learn how create/share resources for Black and brown farmers 00:14:58 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "I’m a part of OSW st…" with ❤️ 00:15:18 Lotus Chaney: Reacted to "I’m Aita and I’ll be…" with 🌻 00:15:31 MJ: Hey, I’m MJ. I am a part of OSW. I am here to learn more about how I can support Black farmers in a way that can sustain their efforts. 00:15:32 Eshe Armah: Reacted to "I’m a part of OSW st..." with ❤️ 00:15:41 Aita | Calabash Network: Reacted to "Hey, I’m MJ. I am a …" with ❤️ 00:16:40 Sessina Dani: Reacted to "I’m Aita and I’ll be..." with ❤️ 00:30:18 Aita | Calabash Network: Live attendance of Calabash101 is HIGHLY encouraged 00:31:58 Crystal Alexandra: Is there a schedule already posted for the love attendance sessions? 00:32:11 Lotus Chaney: Reacted to "Live attendance of C…" with ‼️ 00:32:43 Imani Calabash Network: Replying to "Is there a schedule ..." Yup! 00:35:13 Aita | Calabash Network: @Maura McCasted There’s no expectation but there is a part 2 beginning in the spring of 2025 that can open up these potential opportunities. We are working on training up consultants who can choose to work into a paid Calabash position, or use their skills to set up for future opportunities with others (or on your own) 00:35:17 Imani Calabash Network: Program Description and Schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oj13SGjG6x1st29Sea3TWNHyEpyP14pacgmJS9OHj5E/edit 00:36:13 Aita | Calabash Network: @Crystal Alexandra there’s no “capstone” so to speak but you will be working with actual farmers/food producers on actual TA support needs 00:36:20 Aita | Calabash Network: (with guidance of course!) 00:36:27 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "@Crystal Alexandra t…" with 🌻 00:36:31 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "(with guidance of co…" with 🌻 00:39:55 Maura McCasted: How long are the sessions, in general? 00:40:12 Maura McCasted: Reacted to @Maura McCasted Ther... with "👍" 00:42:08 Imani Calabash Network: Replying to "How long are the ses..." 1.5 hours in general 00:42:22 Maura McCasted: Reacted to 1.5 hours in general with "👍" 00:42:28 Maura McCasted: Replying to "How long are the ses..." Thank you. 00:42:42 Imani Calabash Network: Replying to "How long are the ses..." You’re welcome! 00:44:05 Imani Calabash Network: Aita you are breaking up 00:45:18 Aita | Calabash Network: Apologies I just got disconnected but I’m back! Please feel free to email us with additional questions about OurSpace: ujima@ourspaceworld.org 00:46:20 Imani Calabash Network: https://www.ourspaceworld.org/calabash-academy.html 00:46:45 Imani Calabash Network: https://www.blackurbangrowers.org/ 00:48:08 Eshe Armah: What is the goal for how many folks you want trained for this iteration of it? 00:48:08 Endora Guillaume: Yes 00:48:12 Imani Calabash Network: Calabash 101 registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArce6opjIsGdCC6e2Zh11cAvANyUXp-srt#/registration 00:48:12 MJ: yes 00:48:16 jophyel Khuelenne: Yes 00:48:24 Lesley Donnelly: Yes 00:49:36 Imani Calabash Network: Great! 00:51:46 Aita | Calabash Network: I’ve heard it’s an amazing experience! 00:52:42 Aita | Calabash Network: It’s a long time coming!!! Big thanks Imani for facilitating this info session tonight 💪🏽 00:52:52 MJ: Reacted to "It’s a long time com..." with 💚 00:52:53 Aita | Calabash Network: And FEED OUR COMMUNITY 00:52:58 Imani Calabash Network: Reacted to "It’s a long time com..." with ❤️ 00:53:00 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "And FEED OUR COMMUNI…" with 🌻 00:53:02 Maura McCasted: Reacted to And FEED OUR COMMUNI... with "❤️" 00:53:04 Imani Calabash Network: Reacted to "And FEED OUR COMMUNI..." with ❤️ 00:53:07 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "It’s a long time com…" with 🌻 00:53:09 MJ: Reacted to "And FEED OUR COMMUNI..." with ❤️ 00:53:52 Aita | Calabash Network: The network is strong and growing!!! 00:54:20 Aita | Calabash Network: Yall who join this pilot first cohort will have an opportunity to really help shape the future of this program 00:54:31 Endora Guillaume: Reacted to "Yall who join this p…" with ❤️ 00:54:35 Lotus Chaney: Reacted to "Yall who join this p…" with ❤️ 00:55:13 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "Yall who join this p…" with 🌻 00:55:27 Lotus Chaney: Thank you! 00:55:39 Maura McCasted: Reacted to Yall who join this p... with "❤️" 00:56:08 Aita | Calabash Network: Can a trainee use the skills to help their own farm? 00:56:13 jophyel Khuelenne: I don’t know if this was said but when we do get cert, will be list on a website or network for the blk farmers? 00:56:17 Endora Guillaume: Reacted to "Can a trainee use th…" with ❤️ 00:56:26 Crystal Alexandra: Reacted to "Can a trainee use th…" with 🌻 00:56:29 Lotus Chaney: Reacted to "Can a trainee use th…" with 🌻 00:56:40 Maura McCasted: This sounds like an amazing program! I continue to be impressed and inspired by the work you all do. Can't wait to apply! 00:57:16 Aita | Calabash Network: Replying to "I don’t know if this…" We plan to have a directory of Calabash consultants so that farmers/food producers can find their TA consultants, so yes, if you choose to be listed as a consultant-in-training 00:57:44 jophyel Khuelenne: Replying to "I don’t know if this…" Okay perfect. Thank you 00:59:06 Imani Calabash Network: calabashsupport@ourspaceword.org 00:59:38 jophyel Khuelenne: Thank you 00:59:41 Maura McCasted: Thank you! 00:59:46 Endora Guillaume: Thank you so much! 00:59:48 Lesley Donnelly: Thank you 01:01:05 MJ: Thank you! 01:01:14 Aita | Calabash Network: We are excited to review your applications! 01:01:19 Crystal Alexandra: Gratitude 01:01:20 Aita | Calabash Network: Big thanks Imani!